Chapter 6 Writing Machine Learning Code

Programming is, in many ways, a conversation with a computer, but it is also conversation with other developers (Fowler 2018). As vague as it sounds, we should strive to write code that is simple to read and whose meaning is obvious (Ousterhout 2018). Code is read much more often than it is written: most of the cost of a piece of software is in its maintenance, which is typically performed by people other than those who first wrote the code.

Achieving clarity involves effort on several fronts. Different trade-offs between clarity, consistency, development speed and the existence of useful libraries may motivate the use of particular programming languages for different modules (Section 6.1). Things should be named appropriately (Section 6.2), code should be formatted and laid out consistently (Section 6.3), functions and modules should be organised tidily in files and directories (Section 6.4).

Finally, having multiple people go through the code and review it (Section 6.6) helps in identifying how to improve it. We can then change it gradually by refactoring it (Section 6.7), which is the safest way to make sure we do not introduce any new bugs. Both activities require an efficient use of source version control (Section 6.5), which will also be key for deploying (Chapter 7), documenting (Chapter 8) and testing (Chapter 9) our machine learning pipeline. As an example, we will refactor a sample of code used for teaching in academia (Section 6.8).

6.1 Choosing Languages and Libraries

The choice of what programming languages to use to write machine learning software is mainly determined by their performance, their observability, the availability of libraries whose functionality we can use and ease of programming.

The performance of a programming language depends mainly on whether it is compiled (like C, and Rust) or interpreted (like R and Python). Compilation takes a program and generates machine instructions that are stored in binary executable files or libraries, which can then be run repeatedly. Compiled code is generally high-performance because it does not require further processing when run: all the work of finding the most efficient sequence of machine instructions is done ahead of runtime. This includes deciding what instructions are appropriate to use for taking advantage of the CPUs, GPUs and TPUs on the system the program will run on. In contrast, interpreted languages execute a program by translating it into machine instruction during runtime. Interpreted code, therefore, does not necessarily exhibit high performance but is typically higher level (in the sense that it is more abstracted from hardware specifics, such as managing memory) and is easier to program because we can work with it interactively in REPLs.14 In practice, programming languages used for machine learning exist on a spectrum between these two extremes. Both R and Python, despite being interpreted languages, have packages that are just thin wrappers around high-performance libraries like BLAS, LAPACK, TensorFlow or Torch that are written in compiled code. Depending on what packages we use in our machine learning code, we may achieve performance comparable to that of compiled code without sacrificing ease of programming for those parts of our code that are not computationally intensive. Julia, on the other hand, uses just-in-time compilation to compile and optimise code just before each module or function is called at runtime. As a result, the time it takes to start executing Julia code is fairly slow but has little overhead once running.

Compiled and interpreted languages are very different in terms of observability as well. We can observe the behaviour of compiled code easily by profiling it (recording relevant metrics at regular intervals) or by tracing it (recording the program and the compute system status when particular events are recorded) at the system level because it runs exactly the same sequence of instructions every time it is executed. On the other hand, interpreted code is mapped to machine instructions dynamically by the interpreter as the software is run. Mapping performance to specific blocks of code is more difficult unless the interpreter can expose its internal state to a profiler while running the program. As a result, interpreted code is often studied by simply adding print statements and timestamps. A more rigorous alternative is to instrument the code itself, that is, to ask the interpreter to record its state at predetermined intervals or events. However, most types of instrumentation dramatically increase execution time and are unwieldy to use even for debugging. This is well known to be the case for R’s Rprof() and Rprofmem(), for instance.

In terms of ease of programming, all compiled languages in common use are low-level languages: the code we write in them is not abstracted away from the compute system it will run on. Manual memory management, dependency management, heavy focus on the implementation details of data structures (Chapter 3), structuring code to take advantage of specific hardware capabilities (Chapter 2) are everyday concerns when working with languages like C or . In contrast, interpreted languages in common use are high-level languages. They allow us to write code that is in many respects like pseudocode and to concentrate to a greater extent on the models and the algorithms we are implementing. As a result, they make it easier to keep track of the overall design and of the structure of the machine learning pipeline. High-level languages such as R, Python and Julia also come with package repositories and dependency management (CRAN Team 2022; Python Software Foundation 2022a; JuliaLang 2022). Once more, this suggests that the best trade-off is to use low-level, compiled languages for the few parts of the machine learning pipeline that are performance-critical and to use high-level languages for everything else. The former will include model training and inference; the latter may include data cleaning, visualisation and performance monitoring. Orchestrating the different parts of the pipeline may or may not be performance-critical, depending on its scale and complexity.

Finally, the availability of libraries that we can build on is important as well. Ideally, we want to focus our efforts on implementing, optimising and running our machine learning systems and pipelines instead of reimplementing functionality that is already available elsewhere. And even if we were fine with reinventing the wheel, we are unlikely to match the design quality and performance optimisations of most popular software libraries. There is a significant overlap in the machine learning models available in various languages, but some have better implementations than others in particular cases. Python is probably the best choice for neural networks, for probabilistic programming and for applications in computer vision and natural language processing. R has the widest selection of models from classical and modern statistics, including the reference implementation of popular ones such as mixed-effects models and the elastic net penalised regression. Behind the scenes, both languages (and Julia as well) use the same standard numerical libraries so they often have similar levels of performance.

Last but not least, consider again the discussion on the modular nature of machine learning software in Section 5.3. When modules in our software have well-defined interfaces that specify what their inputs and outputs are, and both inputs and outputs are serialised using standard formats, we can implement them in different languages. Model training and inference modules (Sections 5.3.4 and 5.3.5) are more computationally intensive and, therefore, should be implemented in compiled languages like C or . Modules that do not require as many resources like user interfaces, dashboards (Section 5.3.6) and often data ingestion (Section 5.3.3) may be implemented in interpreted languages like R or Python. Orchestration, model deployment and serving (Section 5.3.5), logging and monitoring (Section 5.3.6) are usually provided by third-party software; any glue code that complements them may be in a completely unrelated systems or scripting language. The isolation between the modules, and between the modules and the underlying compute systems, makes the choice of the language used internally in each module irrelevant for all the others. However, some degree of homogeneity in programming languages and module structures is desirable to make it easier for different people to work on the code (Section 5.2.4).

6.2 Naming Things

Carefully naming variables, functions, models and modules is essential to convey their meaning to other people reading the code (Ousterhout 2018; Thomas and Hunt 2019). But who are those people in the case of machine learning software? They will be a combination of final users, developers, machine learning experts and domain experts. Each group will have a different view of what names are meaningful to them. Similarly, we will argue in Chapter 8 that we should complement software with documentation written from different perspectives to make sure that all the people working on it can understand it well.

Names that are most useful to users and domain experts describe what a function is supposed to do, what a variable contains or how it is supposed to be used, which model is implemented by a module, and so on. They can do that by leveraging the naming conventions of the domain the software is used in. Such names do not describe how a function works internally, what is the type of a variable or other implementation details: most users and domain experts will not be developers themselves, so this type of information will not be useful to them. They will mainly be interested in using functions, modules, etc. for their own purposes without having to understand the implementation of every piece of code they call. Doing so would increase the cognitive load involved in working with any complex piece of software beyond what is reasonable. For the same reason, we suggested using names that come from the domain in pseudocode (Section 4.1).

Names that describe the implementation details of what they refer to can be useful to other developers working on the same module. Similarly, short names that map directly to the mathematical notation used in the scientific literature will be most useful to machine learning experts. Both types of names assume familiarity with the mathematical and implementation details of the relevant models and algorithms, and assume that whoever is reading the code will refer to the literature to understand what the code does and why it does it that way. Such names are usually quite short, making for terse code. Users and domain experts are unlikely to be familiar with the notation and they will find such code impossible to understand without a significant amount of effort and the help of extensive comments (Section 8.1). On the other hand, people who are familiar with the mathematical notation can grasp the code much faster if the naming convention is the same as in the literature. This is advantageous when writing research code that will only be shared among collaborators working on similar topics. However, using mathematical notation can also be a source of misunderstandings because the same concepts are expressed with different notation and, vice versa, the same notation is used to represent very different concepts in different subfields of machine learning.

Therefore, in practice it is impossible to establish a single suitable naming convention across a machine learning pipeline: the code it contains is too varied, as will be the people interacting with it. (This is true more in general for any kind of coding convention, as we will see in the next section.) However, the general guidelines from Kernigham and Pike (Kernigham and Pike 1999) apply even across naming conventions. Use descriptive names for globals, short names for locals: it may be fine to adhere to mathematical notation inside modules implementing machine learning models and algorithms because only developers and machine learning experts are likely to touch such code. Both the module scope and the comments it contains will narrow down the context (Section 8.1) and make short names as understandable as longer names would be (but faster to read). Variables and functions that can be accessed from outside the module, on the other hand, are better named following their domain meaning because they are likely to be used by final users and domain experts. Public interface documentation (Section 8.2) can help in fleshing out their relationships with models and data as well as expand on their meaning. Be consistent: code of the same type should follow the same naming convention across all modules in the machine learning pipeline, practising either the same ubiquitous language used in the comments, interface and architecture documentation (Section 8.3) or the same mathematical notation established in the technical documentations (Section 8.4). Be accurate: avoid vague names and names that can be misunderstood to mean different things to people from different backgrounds.15

6.3 Coding Styles and Coding Standards

Code clarity is also a function of its readability. At a low level, we can improve readability by adopting code styles that standardise how code is formatted (indentation, use of braces, name casing, line length, etc.) and that give it a uniform look across the whole machine learning software. The idea is that consistently using the same style makes code easier to read and to understand both by the person who wrote it and by others. Therefore, adhering to a coding style reduces the risk of mistakes and makes it easier to collaborate within and across teams of developers. All programming languages in common use in machine learning software including Python (van Rossum, Warsaw, and Coghlan 2001; Google 2022d), R (Wickham 2022b) and Julia (Bezanson et al. 2022) have industry-standard code styles which apply well in this context. However, a machine learning pipeline will comprise code written in different programming languages (Section 6.1): we may want to consider making small changes to these styles to make them more similar to each other and to reduce friction when working with more than one language at the same time.

At a higher level, we may want to adopt code standards that limit what programming constructs are considered safe to use and that lay out best practices to structure code at a local level (say, blocks within a function, or functions within a module). Such standards are language-agnostic and complement rather than replace code styles: for instance, they may describe how to handle exceptions, how inputs and outputs should be structured at the function and module level, how to track software dependencies, how code should be instrumented for logging and observability, and what code patterns to avoid for performance reasons. Lopes (Lopes 2020) shows how much of a difference these choices can make in practice. At an even higher level, code standards may also address software security concerns. Unlike code styles, there are no universal code standards: their breadth makes them necessarily application- or domain-specific. Combining both with a modular pipeline design (Section 5.3) allows us to make assumptions about the code’s behaviour, which in turn makes it easier to read, to deploy, to maintain and to integrate with other code by reducing the need for refactoring (Section 6.7) and by making code easier to test (Section 9.4). They can be adopted systematically by having automated tools to check for compliance and by enforcing them during code review (Section 6.6).

The adoption of code styles and standards is, at the time of this writing, one of the low-hanging fruits to pick to improve machine learning software across the board. The prevalence of Jupyter notebooks (Project Jupyter 2022) as a development platform encourages one-off code that does not need to follow any particular convention because it does not interact with other software and interacts with users in very limited ways. As a result, code in Jupyter notebooks is not well organised into functions (which are 1.5 times more coupled compared to normal software, even though they are individually simpler), its dependencies are not well managed (twice as many undeclared, indirect, or unused imports), and, in general, code has more quality issues (1.3 times more) (Grotov et al. 2022). Even disregarding Jupyter notebooks, all systematic analyses of open-source machine learning code have found significant and widespread issues. After controlling for age and popularity, machine learning software has similar complexity and open tickets to other types of software. However, individual projects seem to have fewer contributors and more forks, suggesting code may not be reviewed as thoroughly (Simmons et al. 2020). Reproducibility and maintainability are problematic because software dependencies are often not properly tracked (van Oort et al. 2021): either they are not listed, they are vendored (Section 5.2.4), their versions are not pinned, or they are unresolvable because they are detected automatically and never vetted. Pylint’s inability to reliably check local imports and imports in packages with C/backends (that is, all foundational packages including TensorFlow, NumPy and PyTorch) makes this worse for Python projects. Furthermore, users are often unaware of the documented issues and pitfalls of the machine learning software they use (Zhang, Cruz, and van Deursen 2022), in part because they are only reported in independent blog posts if they are library-specific.

These general issues are made worse by several smells that are specific to machine learning code and that arise from how such code is developed. Many of the sources we have referenced (Sculley et al. 2015; Simmons et al. 2020; van Oort et al. 2021; Zhang, Cruz, and van Deursen 2022; Tang et al. 2021) point out issues with module interfaces and functions having too many arguments (because they map to the mathematical notation of the underlying models too closely); duplicate code (because of experimentation by cut-and-paste and no pruning of dead code); functions being too long, with too many variables and too many branches (because they perform multiple tasks and were never refactored into smaller functions); and lack of configuration management (such as the experiment tracking and infrastructure-as-code approaches we argued for in Chapter 5). Some of these issues could be tolerated as inherent to machine learning code: we argued earlier (Section 6.2) that naming local variables after mathematical notation is fine even if names are not descriptive. However, most should not. To be fair, we acknowledge that many of these issues cannot be addressed on a purely technical level because they arise from wrong incentives. In academia, code is treated as a one-off throwaway (Nature 2016; Tatman, VanderPlas, and Dane 2018) because job performance is measured by the number of publications (“publish or perish!”), not by the quality of the code itself. The resulting software is typically neither maintained nor deployed to a production system. In the industry, many professionals working on machine learning pipelines have little or no background in software engineering (Sculley et al. 2015) and companies have come to accept re-implementing machine learning code from scratch to use it in production as inevitable. A culture change is needed for the adoption of best practices such as code styles and code standards (as well as modular pipeline design) to become the norm.

6.4 Filesystem Structure

Keeping code organised into files and directories contributes to clarity by making it easier to find any specific piece of code. This is true for machine learning pipelines as much as for other types of software: functions performing related tasks should be stored together, and functions performing orthogonal tasks should be stored in separate parts of the filesystem. (The Single Responsibility Principle (Thomas and Hunt 2019) applied to file hierarchies.) Each module should be stored in a separate directory, with functionality split coherently into files. Methods and variables exported from a module should be stored in a separate set of files than internal code, to make it easier for users to inspect them and to link them with interface documentation (Section 8.2). Unit tests for the module (Section 9.4.4) should be placed in a separate subdirectory but versioned alongside the code they test.

What is the best filesystem structure to use for a module in a machine learning pipeline? There is no single, universal standard: both language-agnostic (Kriasoft 2016) and language-specific proposals for Python (Greenfeld 2022; Alam et al. 2022), R (Blagotic et al. 2021) and Go (Quest 2022) are available and have been used in real-world software. They overlap substantially, broadly agreeing on the following set of subdirectories and files:

  • An src directory for the source code of the module, possibly subdivided into further subdirectories.
  • A build or dist directory to store the artefacts created during the build process, like object files, machine learning models and the files used for testing, deployment and CI/CD.
  • A directory for the specification files for any containers used in CI/CD, say, docker for Dockerfiles (Docker 2022a). Further configuration files controlling how containers are deployed and managed, such as Kubernetes (The Kubernetes Authors 2022a) YAML configurations, may be placed in the same directory for convenience.
  • A config directory containing the configuration files required to build and develop the module, including a complete list of versioned software dependencies (say, requirements.txt for Python modules) and IDE settings.
  • A test directory for the unit tests and their reference outputs.
  • A docs directory containing the module documentation, either in source or final form. Interface documentation can be stored alongside the code it refers to as discussed in Section 8.2 as an alternative.
  • A vendor directory to store third-party code and software tools to build the module.
  • A tools directory for the executable files built from src.
  • An examples directory to store sample usage patterns and other documents describing algorithms and domain knowledge such as those discussed in Sections 8.4 and 8.5. Often in the form of Jupyter notebooks.
  • A .secrets directory for credentials, certificates, authentication tokens and other privileged information that should be stored in encrypted form (for instance, using git-crypt (Ayer 2022)).
  • The configuration file of the build system that produces the artefacts (stored in the build directory) and that runs the tests (in test). For instance, a .Makefile.
  • A README file with short description of the module.
  • A LICENSE file containing the copyright statement and the licence text if the module can be distributed as a self-contained, standalone piece of software.

It is also interesting to consider how these directories and files should be stored in a source version control system (Section 6.5). On the one hand, we can follow Google’s “monorepo” approach (Potvin and Levenberg 2016) and store all of them (the code for the whole pipeline) in a single repository. This choice provides unified versioning with a single source of truth, simplifies dependency management, facilitates code reuse and large-scale refactoring spanning multiple modules, and increases code visibility by making it easier to collaborate between different teams of developers. Integration, system and acceptance tests (Section 9.4.4) become more straightforward to implement and to run as well. However, monorepos require more hardware resources and high-quality tooling to navigate code, to modify it and to keep it organised because of the size of the repository.

On the other hand, we can store each module in a separate repository. Cross-module code and configurations are stored in separate “parent” repositories implementing the orchestration and the deployment of the “child” repositories for the modules using tools such as git-repo (Google 2022e) or meta git (Walters and Lee Scott 2021). In other words, these “parent” repositories clone, set up and manage the “child” repositories (say, using docker-compose) to give the illusion of working with a monorepo. Individual “child” repositories will be smaller, requiring less hardware resources, and working on individual modules will not require any particular tooling. However, tracking the dependencies between the modules and keeping the dependencies on third-party software consistent across the whole pipeline cannot be automated as easily as in a monorepo: this is an important source of technical debt (Section 5.2) that we should address manually in the “parent” repositories. Navigating the codebase of the whole pipeline requires additional tooling to hide the boundaries between the repositories and to give the appearance of a unified repository. Any task spanning multiple modules is no longer atomic: moving code between modules, splitting or merging modules, or changing the interface of a module along with all the places where that interface is used in other modules can no longer be performed as a single commit in a single repository. Similarly, we are now required to create and maintain “parent” repositories to set up the environment to run integration and system tests. As with many other design choices, there is no optimal solution, just choices with different trade-offs: which one is best for a particular pipeline will depend on how large it is, on how many modules it contains, and on how models are trained and served.

6.5 Effective Versioning

Storing code in a version control system (“versioning” for short) has become a standard practice in software engineering (Duvall, Matyas, and Glover 2007; Fowler 2018), and it benefits machine learning pipelines as much as traditional software. We can track the evolution of code over time, navigating its history and reverting it back to a functioning state if it breaks. We can also track the data, the models and the pipeline configurations together with the code as discussed in Section 5.2.3. Multiple developers can work on the code at the same time, merge their changes, resolve any conflicts that may arise with the help of dedicated tools and produce releases tagged with a semantic versioning scheme (Preston-Werner 2022). Versioning also ensures that all changes to the code are tracked (for code integrity and developer accountability) and applied by appending them to a read-only ledger of commits (to obtain immutable releases and snapshots). Therefore, versioning provides the “single source of truth” of our code that enables the automated workflows of MLOps (Section 5.3), continuous deployment (Chapter 7), software testing (Section 9.4) and refactoring (Section 6.7).

How can we use versioning to the best effect when working on a machine learning pipeline? Two practices from modern software engineering are especially relevant. Firstly, keeping the gap between development and production code as small as possible (often called “dev-prod parity” (Wiggins 2017)) to use CI/CD development workflows to best advantage (Section 5.3). Introducing changes in small, self-contained sets of commits makes them easy to review (Section 6.6), easy to test for continuous integration (because only a fraction of all tests will be relevant) and makes it possible to merge them into the mainline branch very frequently (say, daily). As a result, changes to the code are immediately visible to all developers allowing them to collaborate effectively. Dividing code into modules stored in separate directories and storing functions implementing different functionality in separate files (Section 6.4) can drastically reduce the likelihood of conflicts: any two developers working on different features are unlikely to modify the same files. However, it cannot completely prevent higher-level problems such as correction cascades (Sections 5.2.2 and 9.1.2) that may arise as the behaviour of various parts of the pipeline change. The best way to both reduce conflicts and detect such problems early is to only use short-lived branches that are immediately merged into the mainline branch from which the production releases are cut. Incomplete changes should be hidden behind feature flags that prevent new code from running by default and that can be toggled easily using environment variables. In other words:

  1. Place the existing code we would like to change behind a feature flag that controls whether it is run or not, switched on to keep the code running.
  2. Introduce the new code behind the same flag, configuring it to run when the flag is switched off.
  3. Test the machine learning software with existing unit, integration and system tests with the flag switched off, checking whether there are any regressions and whether the new code is an improvement over the existing code.
  4. If the new code is suitable, remove the existing code and the feature flag. There are tools that do that automatically (Uber 2022) when flags become stale.

This practice is known as “trunk-based development” (Hammant 2020) (“trunk” being a traditional name for the mainline branch, along with “master”). In the case of machine learning software, we should extend this approach to data and models as well. Versioning both data and models together with the code is crucial to reduce technical debt (Section 5.1) by allowing experiment tracking and reproducible model training. It also makes it possible to construct property-based tests in non-trivial settings by allowing us to match models, their inputs and their outputs (Section 9.4.2). Troubleshooting issues with the pipeline and reverting it to a known good release on botched updates (Section 7.6) also becomes possible, for the same reasons.

Secondly, it is important to write commit messages that are informative and that follow established conventions: the Linux Kernel (Linux Kernel Organization 2022) and Git (The Git Development Team 2022) are great examples of how to do this well. A commit message should provide enough context to the changes it describes to understand what changes were made, why they were made and why (not how) they were made in that particular way (Tian et al. 2022). Nontrivial code changes usually span multiple files, and often there is no single place where it makes sense to place a comment explaining their rationale. Duplicating that comment in all the places we modified increases the likelihood of stale comments (Section 8.1) because we must remember to update all the copies of that comment at once every time we revisit the code we changed. The natural place to put such information is in the commit message since the commit references all changed files (Ousterhout 2018). In any long-running codebase, commit messages might be the only source of information left for future developers to understand changes to the code after the developers who originally made them have left. If practising trunk-based development, we can squash together the commits in our short-lived development branches and only write meaningful commit messages as we merge code into the mainline branch. Furthermore, we should write a short title summarising the change (say, 50–60 characters) followed by a more thorough description. Navigating the history of the code will be much easier because we can now skim through the commit titles and read the detailed commit messages only for those commits that are relevant to us. If we use modern code review practices (Section 6.6), we may also be able to read the comments of the developers who reviewed the commit: they are linked or included in the commit message by all current version control systems when the code is merged. Finally, we may want to include structured information: sign-off lines from the developers who performed code review, labels that identify the commit as part of a series, ticket numbers and their status. All this information can then be processed by CI/CD tools to automate merging and deploying the code in the commit. For reference, Tian et al. (Tian et al. 2022) discuss in detail the characteristics of “good” commit messages and of their contents for different types of commits.

6.6 Code Review

Code quality is crucial for the effectiveness of a machine learning pipeline: coding styles and standards (Section 6.3), versioning (Section 6.5), refactoring (Section 6.7), testing (Section 9.4), MLOps (Section 5.3) and continuous deployment (Chapter 7) all aim to minimise the number of defects. The increased risk of technical debt (Section 5.2) because of the interplay of data, models and code and because of their mutable nature (Sections 9.1 and 9.2) makes code quality all the more important.

However, the practices and the automated workflows described in this book are not enough in themselves: while they can significantly reduce the number of defects, there are classes of issues that can only be spotted and addressed by the developers themselves. This is the reason for code review (Rigby and Bird 2013). Developers other than those who wrote a particular piece of code should inspect it and work together to ensure that:

  • It implements the desired functionality.
  • It is efficient and accompanied by software tests.
  • It follows the spirit and the letter of coding styles, coding standards and naming conventions.
  • It is well organised and documented.

The benefits are many:

  • We ensure that each developer writes code that other developers can understand.
  • Exchanging constructive criticism is a valuable way of teaching junior and future developers.
  • More people working on the machine learning pipeline will have a practical understanding of its design, making it more likely to find ways to improve it.
  • We encourage a feeling of collective ownership of the code.

Clearly, each module will have a primary “owner” who is ultimately responsible for it and controls what changes are merged into the mainline branch. That developer will be the ideal reviewer for changes to that module because he will be the person who knows its code and design best. However, other people should feel comfortable contributing to it, fixing it, and providing feedback on the quality and design of the code. At the same time nobody should be able to commit code without oversight, which code review provides.

Reviewing code is usually performed in two complementary ways:

  • Taking advantage of code review tools (Toro 2020; Sadowski et al. 2018): the developer proposing a code change prepares a commit and submits it to some software tool that tests it and then assigns it to one or more reviewers. The review itself is asynchronous and informal in nature, with developer and reviewers exchanging comments and refining code via the tool until they are satisfied with the commit’s quality. The tool then merges the commit into the mainline branch, linking the comments in the commit message.

  • Practising pair (mob) programming (Popescu 2019; Swoboda 2021) while developing software: two (or more) developers write, debug, or explore code together. One of the developers (the “driver”) is responsible for the implementation, focusing on writing high-quality and error-free code. The other developer(s) (the “navigators”) focus on the broader scope of the problem and on keeping the process on track. The navigator(s) in practice act as reviewers “live” as the code is written. At fairly short intervals (say, 30 minutes), the current “driver” commits the code it is working on and passes the role to another developer, who will pull the code and become the next “navigator”.

Both approaches encourage writing small incremental changes and submitting them frequently, like in trunk-based development (Section 6.5): it is difficult to find experienced reviewers with a deep knowledge of larger portions of a machine learning pipeline, and it is more difficult for reviewers to find the time to review a large piece of code. Ideally, the code to be reviewed should address a single issue and do that completely, involving just one or two reviewers. This makes it easier to identify where errors were introduced if something goes wrong and to roll back just the offending change.

In a tool-based code review setting, the developer writing the code should first perform a personal code review in order not to waste the reviewers’ time. Having code automatically tested by linters, static code analysers and our suite of software tests before sending it out for review will also speed code review iterations up: the reviewer will be presented with their outputs to help examine the commit. For the same reason, the developer should add comments to the code (Section 8.1) and write a descriptive commit message (Section 6.5) covering the reason for the proposed change, its possible impact and any relevant design decisions.

With pair and mob programming, repeatedly rotating the “driver” and “navigator” roles effectively ensures that the code is reviewed, and helps in engaging more developers with the code. Domain experts can be involved as well: even if they have only marginal familiarity with programming, they can be guided by developers when they are acting as the “driver”; and they can contribute their knowledge to the developer writing code when they are acting as the “navigator”. However, this approach works smoothly only if development environments can be set up quickly and if pulling and pushing code is effortless: frequent and smooth role transitions are crucial in keeping everybody engaged and discussing with each other, which is the main point of this approach. Particularly hard coding tasks benefit the most from having more eyeballs looking at problems and collaborating on both the low- and high-level design of the code.

Both approaches to code review require effort and an initial investment to establish as a standard practice but they will pay themselves back by making developers more productive. And, perhaps unlike other practices, the overwhelming majority of programmers enjoy them (Sadowski et al. 2018; Williams, Kessler, and Cunningham 2000)! Tool-based review processes require the appropriate tooling to be well-maintained and scalable. Pair and mob programming require developers to coordinate and to spend time together working on the same piece of code. But that does not mean that the people involved will be less productive.

In the case of tool-based code review, one or at most two developers are sufficient to review a commit, and if the commit touches only one or two files, the reviewers can easily provide feedback within a few hours or a day at most (Sadowski et al. 2018; Rigby and Bird 2013). Developers will produce increasingly better code over time, resulting in faster reviews and fewer comments on each commit. Bugs and architectural issues will be identified quickly, so they will be easier and faster to fix (Tornhill and Borg 2022). As a result, we will reduce the need for large-scale refactorings and outright code rewrites, leaving more time to write better code, tests and documentation. (By definition, this means productivity will increase over time since we will make progress faster instead of running in circles.) In addition, senior developers will widen their understanding of the architecture of the machine learning pipeline as they review code for different modules. Furthermore, reviewing patches does not have to be time-consuming for the reviewer: at Google, developers review about 4 commits in 2.6 hours (median) per week, taking about 40 minutes per commit (Sadowski et al. 2018); at Microsoft, developers devote 20 minutes per day (1.6 hours per week) on average to code review (Jacek et al. 2018).

We can make similar considerations for pair and mob programming: several studies over the last 30 years (Williams, Kessler, and Cunningham 2000; de Lima Salge and Berente 2016; Shiraishi et al. 2019), including some on machine learning software and data science applications (Saltz and Shamshurin 2017), have found that they improve productivity and code quality. For them to be most effective, we need tasks that are complex enough to warrant the attention of more than one person (trivial tasks have little margin for errors) and enough experience to address them effectively in the pair (either a senior and a junior developer, or two “intermediate” developers) or in the mob (Arisholm et al. 2007; Popescu 2019).

6.7 Refactoring

Formally, refactoring is the process of changing a piece of code in a way that does not alter its external behaviour yet improves its internal structure and clarifies its intent and assumptions (Fowler 2018). Following Section 6.5, we do that with a sequence of small incremental changes which are individually validated by running our suite of tests (Chapter 9.4) with continuous integration tools. At the end of the process, we can squash all the commits together and submit them for review (Chapter 6.6) as we do for other code changes. We refactor when adding a new feature, to alter the design of the existing code and accommodate it. We refactor when attacking bugs, both to fix them and to accommodate the tests that exercise them (and ensure that they stay fixed). We refactor to improve compliance with naming conventions (Section 6.2), coding styles and coding standards (Section 6.3). Refactoring can make us confident that we start each commit from correct code, making it easy to track any bugs we might introduce, and that the code does not spend much time (if at all) in a broken state.

Fowler (Fowler 2018) provides an extensive catalogue of refactoring approaches. Depending on the programming language, some can be automated: for example, both PyCharm (JetBrains 2022b) and Visual Studio Code (Microsoft 2022i) have a “refactor” button for Python code. (This is another factor we may want to consider when choosing a programming language in addition to those we discussed in Section 6.1.) Only a few of them are commonly used for machine learning code, and there are refactoring approaches that are specific to it: Tang et al. (Tang et al. 2021) constructed a taxonomy of both from a large survey of machine learning software. Machine learning code is only a small part of a typical pipeline, so mastering the refactoring approaches from Fowler (Fowler 2018) is still valuable to address the code smells we discussed in Section 6.3. Refactoring approaches that are specific to machine learning code, on the other hand, keep in check the various types of technical debt we covered in Section 5.2.4. Tang et al. (Tang et al. 2021) point out three in particular: using inheritance to reduce duplicate configuration and model code; changing variable types and data structures to allow for performance optimisations (Sections 3.3 and 3.4); and hiding the raw model parameters and hyperparameters and exposing custom types that have a domain meaning to achieve better separation between training and inference on one side and general metaheuristics and domain rules on the other.

There is, however, an additional point that makes the code implementing machine learning models inherently different from other code as far as refactoring is concerned: we cannot slice and dice it in the process of refactoring it as easily as we would other code. Some models perform a single task (say, smoothing or prediction) and compose well with other code, but others are black-boxes that integrate multiple tasks (say, feature extraction and prediction) in ways that make it impossible to split them. Deep neural networks are a prime example of this. And even if we can refactor a model and the associated code into well-separated sub-models, it is not a given that we can change them as we would like. The probabilistic properties of each sub-model are inherited from the model we started from: we should make sure that the probabilistic properties of any new sub-model we introduce are compatible with those of the others. Failing to do so will produce outputs that are biased in ways that are difficult to diagnose and impossible to correct because they lack the mathematical properties we usually take for granted. (The same is true for swapping whole models in an existing pipeline.) A possibly obvious example: we should match a model that uses a quadratic loss function, such as most linear regressions, with feature selection and extraction that work on variances and linear correlations and with model selection strategies that evaluate models using the same quadratic loss function on a validation set. If we extract features in ways that do not necessarily preserve linear dependencies, we may lose information that the model could capture from the data. If we evaluate the model with a different loss function than that it was optimised for, we may end up with a fragile model that will misbehave easily on new data. In other words, refactoring a machine learning model means refactoring both the code implementing it and its mathematical formulation at the same time. We want to preserve both the external behaviour of the code and the probabilistic behaviour of the inputs and the outputs of the model. Property-based testing can help with the latter, as we will discuss in Section 9.4.2.

6.8 Reworking Academic Code: An Example

Consider the following piece of code used in teaching machine learning to graduate students at a top-10 university in the QS rankings (QS Quacquarelli Symonds 2022). It is fairly representative of what we can find in many GitHub repositories and in many answers in Stack Overflow, which end up imported or cut-and-pasted in machine learning codebases.

f<-function(x,mu1,mu2,S1i,S2i,p1=0.5) {
  #mixture of normals, density up to constant factor

for (t in 1:(n-1)) {
if (runif(1)<MHR)

Guessing what this code is supposed to implement is harder than it should be, because functions and variables have nondescript names that mirror some mathematical notation. This does not help in itself since there is no comment in the code giving a literature reference we could use to look up what the notation is. The only hints we have are a comment mentioning mixtures of normals and a variable named MHR.

Attending the lecture this code was presented in would tell us that this code implements the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm for sampling from a mixture of normals. Knowing this, we can give more descriptive names to both functions and variables: naming some of the variables after their de facto standard notation (say, from Marin and Robert 2014) is an acceptable trade-off between conciseness and clarity. We can now guess that MHR is the Metropolis-Hastings ratio used to accept or reject a new random sample from the mixture. At the same time, we can add spacing and indentation to make the code easier to read.

dmix2norm = function(x, mu, Sigma, pi, log = FALSE) {

  Omega1 = MASS::ginv(Sigma[1:2, 1:2])
  Omega2 = MASS::ginv(Sigma[3:4, 3:4])

  elem1 = exp(-t(x - mu[1]) %*% Omega1 %*% (x - mu[1]))
  elem2 = exp(-t(x - mu[2]) %*% Omega2 %*% (x - mu[2]))

  return(pi[1] * elem1 + pi[2] * elem2)


metropolis.hastings = function(mu, Sigma, pi, iter) {

  X = matrix(NA, 2, iter)
  X[, 1] = old = mu[1:2]
  for (t in seq(iter - 1)) {

    new = old + (2 * runif(2) - 1) * a
    acceptance.probability =
      dmix2norm(new, mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, pi = pi) /
      dmix2norm(old, mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, pi = pi)

    if (runif(1) < acceptance.probability)
      old = new
      old = old

    X[, t + 1] = old




mu = c(c(1, 1), c(4, 4))
Sigma = diag(rep(1, 4))
pi = c(0.5, 0.5)
metropolis.hastings(mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, pi = pi, iter = 2000)

We complete this first refactoring step by creating a temporary (local) commit and testing it. While better organised and easier to read, this code falls short of what it purports to do in two ways: the number of components in the mixture is hard-coded to two, and the densities themselves are hard-coded to be normals. Now that we have organised the code into functions, we can move on to the next refactoring step: adding two arguments to metropolis.hastings() to allow the user to control the definition of the mixture. We can call them density, for the density function to be called for each component of the mixture, and density.args, a list of additional arguments to that function. To keep the existing behaviour of the code, we update dmix2norm() to work with more than two components while making sure that its return value remains unchanged when the mixture has only two components. Furthermore, we do the same for the proposal function that generates the new random sample, adding two further arguments proposal and proposal.args to metropolis.hastings().

These changes make the code more flexible and more readable. The functional programming approach we have adopted allows us to rewrite metropolis.hastings() in such a way that it almost looks like pseudocode (Section 4.1). As a result, there is less of a need for comments on what the code is doing, apart from a reference to some textbook in which we can find the pseudocode for Metropolis-Hastings and an in-depth explanation of how and why it works. Comments on why the code is structured the way it is may of course still be useful, since they will contain information that is specific to this particular implementation and that cannot be found anywhere else.

dmix2norm = function(x, mu, Sigma, pi, log = FALSE) {

  nmix = length(mu)
  mixture.component.density = function(x, mu, Sigma)
    exp(-t(x - mu[1]) %*% MASS::ginv(Sigma) %*% (x - mu[1]))

  comp = sapply(seq(nmix), function(i)
           mixture.component.density(x, mu[[i]], Sigma[[i]]))

  return(sum(pi * comp))


proposal.update = function(dim = 2, a) {

  return((2 * runif(dim) - 1) * a)


metropolis.hastings = function(density, density.args, proposal,
                               proposal.args, pi, start, iter) {

  X = matrix(NA, length(start), iter)
  X[, 1] = old = start
  for (t in seq(iter - 1)) {

    new = old +, c(list(dim = nrow(X)), proposal.args))

    update.threshold =, c(list(x = new, pi = pi), density.args)) /, c(list(x = old, pi = pi), density.args))

    if (runif(1) < update.threshold)
      old = new
      old = old

    X[, t + 1] = old




mu = list(c(1, 1), c(4, 4))
Sigma = list(diag(2), diag(2))
metropolis.hastings(density = dmix2norm,
  density.args = list(mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma),
  proposal = proposal.update, proposal.args = list(a = 3),
  pi = c(0.5, 0.5), start = c(2, 2), iter = 2000)

We create one more temporary commit and test whether the code is still working. Finally, we want to make the code more reusable. In order to do that, we store the instance of the Metropolis-Hastings simulation we run in metropolis.hastings() into a data structure that contains both the random samples that we generated and the functions that we passed via the density and proposal arguments to generate them, along with the respective argument sets density.args and proposal.args. For convenience, we assign the class name "metropolis-hastings" to this data structure to be able to write methods for it later.

metropolis.hastings = function(density, density.args, proposal,
                               proposal.args, pi, start, iter) {


  return(structure(list(values = X, call =,
           density = density, density.args = density.args,
           proposal = proposal, proposal.args = proposal.args,
           start = start), class = "metropolis.hastings"))


If we are satisfied with how the code now looks (or we have other stuff to do), we can create one last temporary commit and squash it together with the previous two. A suitable commit message for the new commit could be:

Refactoring Metropolis-Hastings mixture of Gaussians.

* Clarify function and variable names, following Bayesian Essentials
    with R (Marin and Robert, 2014).
* Switch to a functional implementation that takes arbitrary density
    functions as arguments, each with separate optional arguments.
* Store the simulation in an S3 object, to allow for methods.

Before submitting this commit for code review, we should write some unit tests to exercise the new functional interface of metropolis.hastings(). We will discuss this topic at length in Chapter 9: for the moment, let’s say we want to ensure that metropolis.hastings() only accepts valid values for all its arguments. For this purpose, we add code to sanitise them and to produce informative error messages along the lines of

  if (missing(density))
    stop("missing a 'density' a function, with no default.")
  if (!is.function(density))
    stop("the 'density' argument must be a density function.")

and then we add tests to check that valid values are accepted and invalid values are rejected.

error = try(metropolis.hastings(density = dmix2norm, [...])
stopifnot(!is(error, "try-error"))
error = try(metropolis.hastings(density = "not.a.function", [...])
stopifnot(is(error, "try-error"))

We should do the same for the function passed via the proposal argument. Furthermore, we should call both functions with the respective lists of optional arguments density.args and proposal.args to make sure that they execute successfully: individual argument values may look fine in isolation, but make metropolis.hastings() fail when passed together. As an example, the code to sanitise proposal.args may look like

  if (missing(proposal.args))
    proposal.args = list()
  if (!is.list(proposal.args))
    stop("the 'proposal.args' argument must be a list.")

where we set proposal.args to an empty list as a fallback, default choice if the user does not provide it. The code to sanitise both proposal and proposal.args can then check that the proposal function runs and that its output has the right type and dimension.

  try.proposal = try(, proposal.args))
  if (is(try.proposal, "try-error"))
    stop("the 'proposal' function fails to run with ",
         "the arguments in 'proposal.args'.")
  if (!is.numeric(try.proposal) ||
      (length(try.proposal) != length(start)))
    stop("the 'proposal' function returns invalid samples.")

The tests that exercise this code should call metropolis.hastings() with and without valid proposal functions, and with proposal functions with valid and invalid sets of optional arguments.

As another example, we should check the number of iterations in the iter argument, picking again a sensible default value.

  if (missing(iter))
    iter = 10
  if (!is.numeric(iter) || ((x %/% 1) == x))
    stop("the 'iter' argument must be a non-negative integer.")

The corresponding software tests can then try boundary values (0), valid values (10), invalid values (Inf) and special values (NaN) to confirm that the sanitisation code is working as expected.

error = try(metropolis.hastings([...], iter = 0)
stopifnot(!is(error, "try-error"))
error = try(metropolis.hastings([...], iter = 10)
stopifnot(!is(error, "try-error"))
error = try(metropolis.hastings([...], iter = Inf)
stopifnot(is(error, "try-error"))
error = try(metropolis.hastings([...], iter = NaN)
stopifnot(is(error, "try-error"))

The sanitisation code should be included in one commit, and the tests in another: they will be in different files and have different purposes, so it would be inappropriate to commit them together. After doing that, our new implementation of Metropolis-Hastings is ready to be submitted for code review.


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  1. A REPL (“Read-Eval-Print Loop”) is an interactive programming environment where the user can write code statements that are instantly evaluated and whose outputs are returned to the user. They are invaluable to run software piecewise and understand the behaviour of its components.↩︎

  2. Many technical terms have completely different meanings in software engineering: consider “test” (statistical test vs unit test), “regression” (the statistical model vs adversely affecting existing software functionality) or “feature” (a variable in a data set vs a distinguishing characteristic of a piece of software). Similar conflicts may happen with the terminology from other domains as well.↩︎