Chapter 8 Documenting Pipelines

Ideally, the code we write should be self-explanatory: everyone should be able to understand how it works and why it was implemented the way it was just by reading it. In practice, this aspiration is impossible to achieve for real-world codebases of any significant size even if we put effort into making code as clear as possible (Chapter 6). Hence we need documentation: a living, natural-language explanation of the machine learning systems and of the pipeline that evolves along with them.

Documentation is not a single entity, but rather a collection of information with different scopes, levels of detail, technical levels and audiences: comments explaining the “whats” and especially the “whys” of different chunks of code (Section 8.1); documents describing the public interface of each module and how to use it (Section 8.2); a holistic description of how the pipeline is structured and of how its parts fit together (Section 8.3); white papers detailing what machine learning models have been implemented and why, and what business or academic needs they address (Section 8.4). To complement these pieces of information, we should showcase how we envisage the machine learning pipeline will be used in practical day-to-day operations (Section 8.5).


There is no consensus among software engineers about the need to include comments in the code, nor about their frequency and contents. Some argue that “comments are, at best, a necessary evil […] to compensate for our failure to express ourselves in code” (Martin 2008); some that “too many comments are as bad as too few, and you can achieve a middle ground economically” (McConnell 2004); and others that “good code has lots of comments […] keep the low-level knowledge in the code, where it belongs, and reserve the comments for other, high-level explanations” (Thomas and Hunt 2019). The only things that everybody agrees on are that comments can easily become out-of-date as the code they refer to changes over time, and that comments that do not provide any additional information over the code itself are redundant.

Machine learning pipelines can be reasoned about from three different perspectives (Section 5.3.1): the domain they operate in, such as the business operation or the academic field that generates the data it will process; the software architecture, that is, the engineering effort of organising the software in separate modules that can be worked on efficiently and that have a well-defined purpose; and the models that power them with their probabilistic properties. The interplay between these perspectives determines both low-level and high-level design decisions in ways that are extremely difficult to represent in the code. We choose machine learning models considering the characteristics of the data they will process; performance optimisations (Sections 2.2 and 2.4) may (or may not) be worthwhile depending on the combination of models and compute systems; and our efforts to structure the software into modules (Section 5.3) and data structures (Sections 3.3 and 3.4) must reconcile the conflicting goals of representing abstract mathematical concepts and real-world domain concepts at the same time.

As a result, the idea that comments should focus on complementing code by stating the “whys” (say, the rationales for particular design decisions and how non-obvious low-level optimisations work and why they are needed) and that they should leave the code itself to illustrate the “whats” (say, the sequence of steps that produces the outputs of a function) is much more nuanced than it is in either enterprise or academic software. In both these settings, modern development practices ensure that domain experts and software engineers have a shared conceptual model of the key domain concepts and, in doing so, establish a ubiquitous language (Evans 2003) to identify and discuss them. This language is used throughout all documentation and in the code (to name classes, methods and variables), so that all the people involved have a common understanding of the “whats” and the “whys” of what the code is doing. However, it is difficult to establish such a ubiquitous language in the context of machine learning software (Section 6.2) because the backgrounds of the people involved are more varied: it is rare for any single person to have a broad enough background to be able to understand the machine learning systems and software well from a domain, software and machine learning perspectives at any given time. The rise of professional figures such as domain (data) analysts (domain + machine learning) and machine learning engineers (software engineering + machine learning) who can work on pipelines from two different perspectives is partly a response to this issue.

Therefore, we believe that there is value in annotating code with comments describing both the “whats” and the “whys” but that do so from a perspective that is different from the one the code is written from. Code implementing models (Section 5.3.4) should be structured well enough for a machine learning engineer to understand its behaviour clearly: comments should focus on how the parameters of the model and its outputs map to domain concepts, and they can also state how optimising the model for a compute system’s hardware led to the use of specific data structures. Code that pre-processes inputs to a machine learning pipeline (Section 5.3.3) and post-processes its outputs for consumption by third parties (Sections 5.3.5 and 5.3.6) should be clear to domain experts, since it is just encoding domain concepts into data structures and vice versa; but it is worthwhile to comment on the statistical properties we expect those inputs and outputs to have, and to relate them to the machine learning models they are produced from or fed to. Finally, code that orchestrates the modules in the pipeline (either directly or by configuring a third-party MLOps solution, see Section 5.3) should be clear from both domain and machine learning perspectives because it is linking different models in a data processing pipeline designed after domain workflows. However, the algorithmic complexity of particular models and the hardware characteristics of the compute systems the models run on can influence how the code is organised into modules and how the modules are connected to each other in ways that should be documented because they may not be readily apparent.

Other than that, the advice in (Ousterhout 2018; Fowler 2018; Thomas and Hunt 2019; Evans 2003) on how to write comments applies well to machine learning software. The goal of comments is to ensure that the structure and the behaviour of the software is obvious to the readers: other developers, so that they can modify the code quickly and with confidence, and users, so that they can understand it and use it appropriately. The readers could eventually deduce such information by reading the code, but the process would be time-consuming and error-prone: especially when they are approaching the code from a different perspective than the one from which the code was written. Comments should be concise and located close to the code: for instance, prefacing a block of code performing a particular task with a description of the implementation issues that were considered and the probability results that shaped it. (This may also help in relating tests to the code, see Section 9.4.2. Additional information that does not belong in any single place in the code may be found in commit messages as discussed in Section 6.5.) They should be written just before or at the same time as the code to ensure that they are written in the first place and that any design issues are still fresh in the developer’s minds. For the same reason, they should be updated along with the code whenever the code is modified. This approach may also help in refining the architecture of the code early on (Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2) by making it easier to discuss pros and cons of different designs and by allowing domain experts to look into the implementation of key domain concepts to some extent. Finally, expressing the same idea twice, in the code and in the comments, and from different perspectives can have similar benefits to code review (Section 6.6) because it forces developers to rethink what they are doing from the point of view of a user of the software.

8.2 Documenting Public Interfaces

In addition to augmenting blocks of code inside functions and modules, we should use comments to document module interfaces, their methods and their general behaviour. In particular, each module should come with a high-level description of what it does and of the situations in which it makes sense to use it. Both should be written from the point of view of a prospective user: in the spirit of abstracting away complexity and reducing cognitive load, users should be able to use the module without reading its implementation (Ousterhout 2018). As discussed earlier, people working on and using machine learning pipelines will come from a variety of backgrounds, and many may struggle to read code written from a perspective far from their own. Therefore, comments prefacing module interfaces should describe them from all relevant perspectives to make them approachable in the same way as other comments (Section 8.1). These descriptions, together with the method signatures, should provide all the essential information on the modules: the meaning of the methods and of their arguments as well as any constraints, side effects and preconditions they may have. If we find it difficult to put such information in writing in a clear and concise way, it may well be that the interface is not a good abstraction and that the module should be refactored (Section 6.7) to give it a better sense of purpose. The documentation that describes it should be changed at the same time to remain up-to-date.

Documenting individual functions in a similar way may make sense for those few functions that are not completely encapsulated inside a single module. Other functions are either not visible to the module users, so they only need to be documented to the extent that is required by the developers of that module; or they are visible to the module users, and they should be documented among its methods.

In order to keep this type of documentation close to the code it refers to, so that it is easier to keep the two in sync, we can annotate each module with a long-form comment covering the information above. These comments should be structured in a standard format, possibly with additional in-house conventions, to ensure consistency and to make it more straightforward to write them. Tools such as Doxygen (van Heesch 2022) can enforce comment formats for all programming languages typically found in machine learning pipelines (namely, C, , R and Python), which is convenient because different modules may be implemented in different languages (Section 6.1). They can also generate documents in common formats such as HTML, PDF and DOCX from the comments. This is especially convenient for keeping documentation up to date as interfaces change, because we can just update the comments along with the code and regenerate those documents as needed. We can also use language-specific tools such as Roxygen (Wickham, Danenberg, et al. 2022) in R or Sphinx (Brandl and the Sphinx Team 2022) in Python if either language is dominant in the machine learning pipeline.

What should we write in these long-form comments in practice?

  1. What we can expect from the module: the signatures of the methods, its semantics and its behaviour in both success and failure scenarios. These include the meaning and the data types of exported variables as well as a list of all the possible error conditions and how they are handled.
  2. What problem the module solves, and a brief summary of why it was designed the way it was. This might include a discussion of alternative solutions that have been evaluated and discarded (Section 5.3.1) to avoid re-evaluating them unless we are changing the module in a fundamental way. However, such decisions typically span across module boundaries and are better documented in the architecture documentation (Section 8.3).
  3. Short examples of how the module is used, possibly in combination with other modules, are also nice to have.
  4. Pointers to the relevant sections of the technical documentation (Section 8.4) and to books or papers that describe the algorithms used in the module.

Popular open-source machine learning software provides many examples of how to do this well. Take, for instance, Scikit-learn. We can access the documentation of its module interfaces from the landing page of its website (Scikit-learn Developers 2022) via a link labelled “API”. All modules are listed in alphabetical order, from sklearn.base all the way to sklearn.utils. For each of them, we have a short description summarising what algorithms, models or general functionality it implements, links to long-form documentation that gives further details and shows typical usage patterns, and a list of all the attributes and the functions it exports. The page documenting each class further details its methods and their arguments as well as any variables it exports. All this documentation is generated by Sphinx from comments in the Scikit-learn code. The source files in which the comments appear are linked from each page, making it easy to explore the code the page describes.

An abridged version of the online documentation generated by Sphinx from the comments in the DBSCAN module of Scikit-learn.

Figure 8.1: An abridged version of the online documentation generated by Sphinx from the comments in the DBSCAN module of Scikit-learn.

For example, consider the documentation of the module implementing the DBSCAN clustering algorithm (Schubert et al. 2017). The online documentation is shown in Figure 8.1. The Sphinx comment the module description is generated from appears just before its declaration and it is enclosed in triple double-quotes ("""). Section headers are marked by ten dashes (-----------) and the lists of parameters and attributes are formatted using indentation.

class DBSCAN(ClusterMixin, BaseEstimator):
   """Perform DBSCAN clustering from vector array or distance

   DBSCAN - Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with
   Noise. Finds core samples of high density and expands clusters
   from them. Good for data which contains clusters of similar

   Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <dbscan>`.

   eps : float, default=0.5

   core_sample_indices_ : ndarray of shape (n_core_samples,)

   See Also
   OPTICS : A similar clustering at multiple values of eps. Our
       implementation is optimized for memory usage.




The “Notes” section links further examples and illustrates the computational complexity (Chapter 4) of DBSCAN, complementing the pointers to similar functionality in the OPTICS module and the layman’s explanation of how DBSCAN works in the User Guide.

In addition, the documentation of DBSCAN provides a list of all the exported methods along with a short description of what each of them implements, of its arguments (including their types and default values) and of its return value. The comment generating the documentation of the fit() method, for instance, is the following.

def fit(self, X, y=None, sample_weight=None):
  """Perform DBSCAN clustering from features, or distance matrix.
  X : {array-like, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples, \
      n_features), or (n_samples, n_samples)
      Training instances to cluster, or distances between instances
      if ``metric='precomputed'``. If a sparse matrix is provided,
      it will be converted into a sparse ``csr_matrix``.
  y : Ignored
      Not used, present here for API consistency by convention.
  sample_weight : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None
      Weight of each sample, such that a sample with a weight of at
      least ``min_samples`` is by itself a core sample; a sample
      with a negative weight may inhibit its eps-neighbor from
      being core. Note that weights are absolute, and default to 1.
  self : object
      Returns a fitted instance of self.

Unfortunately, the comment conflates function arguments with the parameters of the underlying models and algorithms: this is not ideal because it implies that they can be reasoned about interchangeably (which is not true, for instance, for floating point variables, see Section 3.1.2) and because it suggests that function arguments should map one-to-one to parameters (which depends entirely on how the machine learning pipeline is structured, see in particular Sections 5.2.3, 5.2.4 and 5.3.4). On the good side, however, it specifies what is the expected type for all arguments, which is a useful detail for module users to have in a dynamically-typed language like Python. Types can be enforced using a type checker such as mypy (The mypy Project 2014), effectively turning Python into a statically-typed language for any function with type annotations.

Another example of documenting interfaces at scale is the infrastructure that CRAN (CRAN Team 2022) uses to distribute and enforce quality standards on R packages. Each package has a dedicated web page on CRAN’s website, which includes a short description of the functionality provided by the package and links to its Changelog, to relevant web pages and to its reference manual. Its entries follow a structured “R Documentation” format, based on a subset of LaTeX, with predefined sections (“Description”, “Arguments”, “Details”, “Examples”, “References”) that package authors are required to fill for each function they export from the package. R Documentation files can be generated by including comments in the Doxygen format in the code and processing them with Roxygen: CRAN does not require that, but cross-checks that function names and arguments are consistent between the code and the documentation, and it executes all the examples to make sure they run. Furthermore, CRAN reports the status of any tests shipped with the package on its web page. The package’s web page also links long-form documentation that provides further details on relevant algorithms and models and that showcases them with comprehensive examples. These long-form documents, known as vignettes, are notebooks interleaving R code with Markdown or LaTeX prose whose sources are part of the package. CRAN will compile them to make them available alongside the package sources.

A popular R package that contains all these types of documentation is rstanarm (Muth, Oravecz, and Gabry 2018), which implements a suite of Bayesian regression models on top of Stan (Carpenter et al. 2017). The authors provide both the reference manual and a set of vignettes illustrating how to use it. Its web page on CRAN links the GitHub repository with the package’s source code where we can easily see the Doxygen comments the reference manual is created from. For instance, the comment prefacing the stan_mvmer() function looks as follows.

#' Bayesian multivariate generalized linear models with correlated
#' group-specific terms via Stan
#' Bayesian inference for multivariate GLMs with group-specific
#' coefficients that are assumed to be correlated across the GLM
#' submodels.
#' @export
#' [...]
#' @param formula A two-sided linear formula object describing both
#'   the fixed-effects and random-effects parts of the longitudinal
#'   submodel similar in vein to formula specification in the
#'   \strong{lme4} package (see \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} or the
#'   \strong{lme4} vignette for details). [...]
#' [...]
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables specified in
#'   \code{formula}. For a multivariate GLM, this can be either a
#'   single data frame which contains the data for all GLM
#'   submodels, or it can be a list of data frames where each
#'   element of the list provides the data for one of the GLM
#'   submodels.
#' [...]
#' @details The \code{stan_mvmer} function can be used to fit a
#'   multivariate generalized linear model (GLM) with group-specific
#"   terms. The model consists of distinct GLM submodels, each which
#'   contains group-specific terms; within a grouping factor (for
#'   example, patient ID) the grouping-specific terms are assumed
#'   to be correlated across the different GLM submodels. It is
#'   possible to specify a different outcome type (for example a
#'   different family and/or link function) for each of the GLM
#'   submodels. [...]
#' @return A \link[=stanreg-objects]{stanmvreg} object is returned.
#' @seealso \code{\link{stan_glmer}}, \code{\link{stan_jm}}, [...]
#' @examples
#' [...]

The Doxygen comment is identified by the fact that each line starts with a single quote. The first paragraph gives the title of the entry in the reference manual for the function, which is declared to be public by the @export. The second paragraph is the “Description”, the @params are the “Arguments”, and the @return describes the return value of the function. The text that follows the @details ends up in the “Details” section, and the code after the @examples provides short examples.

Longer examples and technical discussions that are too cumbersome to include in the reference manual are shipped as a set of vignettes, which in the case of rstanarm are R Markdown documents. Unlike the reference manual, vignettes can include figures and mathematical equations typeset in LaTeX, and they can easily be converted to PDF, HTML and DOCX documents using the knitr package (Xie 2015). The R Markdown format differs from plain Markdown only in its YAML header, which tells knitr the type of document the file should be compiled into and some of its metadata. For instance, in glmer.Rmd:

title: "Estimating Generalized (Non-)Linear Models with" >
       "Group-Specific Terms with rstanarm"
author: "Jonah Gabry and Ben Goodrich"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
    toc: yes

Code chunks are delimited by triple backticks, followed by the language label (R in this case) and by a list of options that will be evaluated by knitr when compiling the document.

```{r, results = "hide"}\n',
post1 <- stan_nlmer(circumference ~ SSlogis(age, Asym, xmid, scal)
                                  ~ Asym|Tree,
           data = Orange, cores = 2, seed = 12345, init_r = 0.5)

Note that, by default, knitr executes all code every time the document is compiled, in the order in which it appears. Therefore, we cannot have the issues with out-of-order execution and inconsistent state that affect Jupyter notebooks (Project Jupyter 2022) (Section 10.2.2).

8.3 Documenting Architecture and Design

Architecture documentation binds together the public interface documentation of the individual modules to give an overall view of how the machine learning systems and the pipeline are structured as a whole. It summarises the rationale of the decisions made when designing them, the properties of their (hardware and software) components and their interactions, and how they relate to the requirements for the pipeline (Clements et al. 2011) (Section 5.3.1). All this should be written in the same ubiquitous language as the comments and the module interfaces documentation, and for the same reasons: the architecture is the primary means of evaluating how the pipeline and the underlying systems work, whether they can be modified in specific ways, and whether they meet current or new requirements we may have. These activities necessarily involve discussions among domain experts, software engineers and machine learning specialists that greatly benefit from the clarity brought by the ubiquitous language. In particular, architecture documentation should document all those cross-module design decisions that do not belong in any single module interface documentation: a prime example is the design and workings of glue code (Sections 5.2.3 and 9.2.4), which is often the least documented part of a machine learning pipeline.

A natural starting point to document the architecture and the design of a machine learning pipeline is the DAG that describes its paths of execution (Section 5.3). The nodes in the DAG represent the modules that implement the different processing stages the data go through, and an explanation of their roles in the pipeline should be linked to the documentation of the respective interfaces. The presence of arcs linking the nodes suggests that the corresponding modules have been designed to be interoperable, and the design decisions that make it possible should also be documented. Furthermore, arcs determine the temporal sequence of the processing stages and may be associated with event triggers (say, pull updated models for serving as they become available), scheduled tasks (say, retrain a model after a certain amount of new data becomes available) or human inputs (say, for model validation). Accommodating future needs that are not yet made explicit in the form of arcs in the DAG may have influenced the design of module interfaces, and such considerations should be documented as well.

This is, however, just one possible perspective from which we can describe a machine learning pipeline. Its design is likely to be influenced by the combination of the local and remote compute systems it runs on or it may run on in the future because individual modules will have different requirements (Section 2.4). How the overall functionality of the pipeline is structured into modules may be influenced by the domain or the business it operates in. For instance, a machine learning pipeline that uses computer vision for supporting clinicians in diagnosing diseases from medical images (like the use case example in Section 8.5) may have the DAG patterned after the tasks performed by different specialists and after the progression of clinical information in the diagnostic process. Or, in a business context, different parts of the pipeline may be under the supervision of different units within the company, with clear boundaries to avoid overlaps for personnel and budget reasons. The interplay of the models and of various algorithms at a probabilistic level provides one more view of the machine learning pipeline as an overarching, hierarchical model whose components may or may not be related to how the code is organised into modules.

Thorough documentation of the architecture and of the design decisions behind a machine learning pipeline and the underlying systems will naturally comprise a set of documents written from different perspectives to provide different conceptual views. Using the ubiquitous language (Section 8.1) across all documents will help cross-referencing them and make them accessible to all the people working on or using different modules. Cross-referencing the documents with each other and with the interface documentation of each module will allow readers to navigate them and to jump from one document to another to view related pieces of information. Describing a real-world pipeline and the systems it runs on in a single document is not practical: the result would be unwieldy and difficult to keep up to date.

Overall, the DAG can provide a suitable outline of the structure of the whole documentation for the machine learning pipeline and a map to navigate it. A systems diagram like Figure 2.1 can serve a similar purpose for documenting the machine learning systems. Domain concepts can then be organised informally with a diagram of some sort; it will rarely be worthwhile to use a formal graphical specification such as UML (Fowler 2003). Ideally, all these graphical representations will share some similarities and will be meaningful to all of domain experts, machine learning experts and software engineers. If the domain experts do not understand the architecture of the system, there may be something wrong with it: they can communicate any issues they may have using the ubiquitous language, and discuss them while we iterate project scoping (Section 5.3.1) and prototyping (Section 5.3.2) until everybody is comfortable with the design.

For obvious reasons, it is difficult to find public, detailed examples of design documentation because companies consider their machine learning pipelines to be valuable assets that give them a competitive advantage. Much of that information, however, is available on the engineering blogs of companies like Uber (Uber Technologies 2022) and Spotify (Spotify 2022b). We will use them as sources to outline an example of how design documentation and mission statements (Section 8.4) should be organised.

Uber's machine learning pipeline for early fraud detection, based on \cite{uber-fraud}: the domain DAG (top), the machine learning DAG (middle) and the software architecture DAG (bottom).

Figure 8.2: Uber’s machine learning pipeline for early fraud detection, based on : the domain DAG (top), the machine learning DAG (middle) and the software architecture DAG (bottom).

Consider the machine learning pipeline for early fraud detection at Uber (Zelvenskiy et al. 2022). After briefly describing what business problem the pipeline is solving, the blog post illustrates the pipeline from each of the domain, machine learning and software architecture perspectives. We show each of them in Figure 8.2:

  • The domain perspective (top panel): Uber receives from its customers a constant stream of orders which will be initially screened by a machine learning model for frauds. If found to be suspicious, they will be passed to a human expert for manual validation and either approved or rejected (Section 5.3.6). The decisions made by the human experts are then fed back into the machine learning model doing the automatic screening to improve its performance over time and to prevent issues with data drift (see Sections 5.2.1 and 9.1.3).
  • The machine learning perspective (middle panel): the data flows through different pre-processing algorithms, including feature selection, to the models tasked to detect suspicious transactions. The same models will prioritise such transactions and schedule them for manual review.
  • The software architecture perspective (bottom panel): each node in the DAG is a piece of software (possibly running on specific hardware) implementing the algorithms and the models found in the previous pipeline, storing data, or moving information around.

Each of these pipelines will be easier to reason about for people with different backgrounds, and it can be used to provide pointers to more detailed information on the data processing steps, the models or the modules associated with the individual nodes. All pipelines span the same four stages (data ingestion and preparation, automatic screening, manual screening, outcome) but provide very different views and insights on how fraud detection is implemented. For instance, the second and the third pipelines highlight the feedback loop tying model retraining to manual review, which doubles as a data labelling step, and to the statistical distribution of the relevant features in the data. However, looking at the pipelines side by side makes it possible to relate the different perspectives they come from as well as the relationships between the nodes that appear in the same stage but in different DAGs. In a sense, the DAGs provide a visual representation of the conceptual model behind the ubiquitous language. Their main limitation is the inability to describe the semantic meaning of the arcs effectively, as is the case for UML: this information is what the various documents in the architecture documentation provide, complementing what we can see from the DAGs.

8.4 Documenting Algorithms and Business Cases

The documentation of individual modules and of how they work together in the machine learning pipeline should be supplemented by two other documents:

  1. a technical report detailing the relevant probabilistic and statistical properties of the machine learning models; and
  2. a mission statement describing, at a high level, what is the goal of the machine learning pipeline from a domain or business perspective.

There are several reasons for preparing a technical report covering the relevant facts about the algorithms and the models. Firstly, we can establish a coherent mathematical notation that agrees with the ubiquitous language (Section 8.1) and with the variable naming scheme used by our modules (Section 6.2), and that can be related to that of any external libraries we may be using. Different parts of the scientific literature have different notation practices: the same concepts may be expressed with different notation or have different definitions, or the same notation may have different meanings. This is likely to cause some confusion because of the variety of approaches involved in a real-world machine learning pipeline. Secondly, a technical report will reduce the need to access the academic literature, which can become difficult over time because journal papers, conference proceedings and their supplementary materials can be locked behind paywalls or simply vanish from the Internet when their authors change employers. Thirdly, we can limit ourselves to the properties of the models and of the algorithms that are relevant to us, and we can concentrate on documenting those properties well and in an approachable way. (It is not common for the canonical reference for a model to be its clearest illustration, especially in machine learning where 8-page conference papers represent a fair share of the literature!) In particular, we can focus on the pros and cons of any models and algorithms we evaluate for use in the pipeline with respect to the specific domain that is relevant to us. This will be more informative than most benchmarking efforts based on reference data sets from the literature. Finally, we can easily cross-reference the technical report with both module interface (Section 8.2) and design documentation (Section 8.3).

A mission statement, which (Clements et al. 2011) calls a “domain vision statement”, is a brief document of 1–2 pages identifying the core domain of the machine learning pipeline and its aims as established during project scoping (Section 5.3.1). It serves two purposes: evaluating whether the pipeline is fit for its intended purpose and guiding its evolution at a strategic level. By stating its purpose, the mission statement tells us what outcome we should judge. In turn, this allows us to define a scale of measurement ranging from “bad performance” to “good performance” according to how effectively and efficiently the pipeline fulfils its purpose. At the same time, it can serve as a high-level guideline for evolving it. The compute systems, the machine learning models and the domain concepts the pipeline is built upon will inevitably change over time. With each change, we can plan at the tactical level how to evolve it by pinpointing which components we should update and how. However, all these local changes should be consistent with a long-term strategy that ensures that the pipeline evolves coherently as a whole over time as its intended purpose changes. In other words, the mission statement is the “aspirational” counterpart of the more technical design documentation (Section 8.3) and of the more practical use cases (Section 8.5).

For example, consider the mission statement behind the machine learning pipeline powering Spotify’s home screen (Edmundson 2021). Firstly:

“At Spotify, our goal is to connect listeners with creators, and one way we do that is by recommending quality music and podcasts on the Home page. Machine learning is central to how we personalize the Home page user experience and connect listeners to the creators that are most relevant to them.”

The pipeline is a recommender system that matches users with contents. This requires tracking the users’ listening data and Spotify’s catalogue of music and podcasts, which has implications in terms of hardware, data ingestion and data processing capabilities in the pipeline. Both user data and the catalogue will change over time, as will their features: hence the models predicting which music and which podcasts the users may like should be updated at regular intervals. How often will depend on how quickly the catalogue changes, on how quickly the size of the users’ listening data grows and on what models we will use, so it is not appropriate nor possible to recommend a schedule for the updates. For the same reason, what features of the data will be used to provide the recommendations is left unstated. Furthermore, the exact definition of “quality” and “relevant” will depend on the specific technical criteria putting them into numbers, on how engagement will be measured, on the models, and on how their accuracy metrics relate to revenue.

Secondly, the two final outputs of the pipeline are introduced in domain terms:

“Stage 1: Candidate generation: The best albums, playlists, artists, and podcasts are selected for each listener. Stage 2: Ranking: Candidates are ranked in the best order for each listener.”

The pipeline is expected to present the users with recommendations ranked in terms of (predicted) preference. Again, details such as how many items are recommended and how they are ranked are implementation details that are bound to change over time and thus do not belong in the mission statement. The outputs are then described in more detail:

“The Podcast Model: Predicts podcasts a listener is likely to listen to in the ‘Shows you might like’ shelf. The Shortcuts Model: Predicts the listener’s next familiar listen in the Shortcuts feature. The Playlists Model: Predicts the playlists a new listener is likely to listen to in the ‘Try something else’ shelf.”

The statement does not specify which models will be used, nor how many. It does not even state that they will be machine learning models: in fact, it later says that “some content is generated via heuristics and rules and some content is manually curated by editors.” Which models or heuristics are appropriate will depend on what features will be available in the data, on what state-of-the-art models will be available from the literature, and on what software and hardware will be needed to provide recommendations in real time.

Thirdly, how the outputs of the pipeline are presented to the users:

“The Home page consists of cards — the square items that represent an album, playlist, etc. — and shelves — the horizontal rows that contain multiple cards.”

Note how the statement introduces the metaphor the user interface will be based on, but without describing any implementation details. It would not be appropriate to do it here: we will want to change the interface over time in response to any insights from usability studies and from usage patterns collected by telemetry. Furthermore, different platforms and operating systems will have different capabilities and will require at least some levels of customisation. For instance, it is often impossible to design a user interface with good ergonomics on both mobile and desktop systems.

8.5 Illustrating Practical Use Cases

Last but not least, topical examples showcasing the machine learning pipeline in action can be very valuable. Pipelines are built to address some need like automating and speeding up analyses or improving products: the best way to motivate their development, use and maintenance is to show that they can address that need effectively and efficiently in the context of the domain or of the business line of the prospective users. Users will then be able to relate to the problems the machine learning pipeline is tackling and they will be in a position to appreciate the advantages of using it. The types of documentation presented in the previous sections are either too technical, too abstract or too focused on the inner workings of the pipeline for this purpose.

An example of a very effective use case is the InnerEye project (Microsoft Research Cambridge 2022) from Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK), which aims to develop machine learning pipelines for medical imaging. The video linked in the reference talks about the specific application of performing image segmentation in 3D medical images taken from cancer patients scheduled to be treated with radiotherapy.

  1. It states the need in clinical terms: speeding up the segmentation in magnetic resonance (MR) and computerised tomography (CT) scans while retaining a sufficient degree of accuracy.
  2. It states the problem in a way prospective users can relate to: radiologists do segmentation manually, outlining the tumour in a sequence of dozens of cross-section images with a visual tool to obtain a 3D contour. This is a slow process, and the precision of the contour is limited. It takes hours of preparation to map tumours and healthy tissues to target treatment for the former and to limit exposure for the latter.
  3. It states how the machine learning pipeline can address the need from the perspective of the user: automatic or human-assisted segmentation. The video shows the user interface that would be used by the radiologists, to give them a feeling of how it would fit in their everyday work. This makes it possible to contrast, live, the time it takes for manual, automatic and human-assisted segmentation as well as the level of detail and precision of the segmentation.
  4. It states the value of the solution to the user: it takes minutes instead of hours to prepare a treatment plan for a patient with the desired accuracy. Furthermore, the same tools can be used to track how cancer is responding to therapy. These improvements will lead to better treatments and better outcomes.

Note that the video does not make any quantitative statements about running times nor about the statistical accuracy of the segmentation as neither would be easily interpretable for radiologists. Instead, the InnerEye project has a web page linking all the scientific publications where we can find these numbers. Machine learning engineers can use them to evaluate the pipeline from the perspective of their own discipline. Furthermore, the InnerEye project news page highlights that the machine learning pipeline has been deployed and is currently used on actual patients at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. The implication that it obtained regulatory approval and that a radiology department finds it worthwhile to use it are strong indications that the machine learning pipeline is not an academic endeavour but something that provides value in real-world clinical practice.

Finally, we would like to point out that practical use cases may also be instrumental in gathering feedback from prospective users. Illustrating them will provide a natural venue for users to discuss how the machine learning pipeline would be useful (or not) and what their strong (weak) points appear to be from their perspective.


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