Chapter 2 Hardware Architectures

Building a compute system to run machine learning software requires careful planning. How well it will perform depends on choosing the right hardware; a set of machine learning algorithms that can attack efficiently and effectively the task we want to perform; and how to represent the data we will use, the models and their outputs. For the purpose of this book, we define a “compute system” as a computer system, not necessarily server-class, that will perform one or more of the tasks required to learn or use machine learning models. We will often call it a “machine learning system” as well to highlight its purpose. Other types of systems, such as those focusing on storage (database servers, data lakes, object storage) or delivery (human-readable dashboards, computer-readable API endpoints) will be mentioned only in passing.

In this chapter we focus on the hardware, moving to the data in Chapter 3 and to the algorithms in Chapter 4. After covering the key aspects of a compute system (Section 2.1), we discuss how to use it to the best of its potential (Section 2.2), the trade-offs involved in integrating remote systems (Section 2.3) and how to design it based on our requirements (Section 2.4). Modern machine learning libraries try to make these decisions for us, but they have limits that become apparent in many real-world applications: in such cases, being able to reason about the hardware is an invaluable skill.

A schematic view of the key components that may appear in a modern compute system (not necessarily all at the same time). Sizes and distances are not to scale.

Figure 2.1: A schematic view of the key components that may appear in a modern compute system (not necessarily all at the same time). Sizes and distances are not to scale.

2.1 Types of Hardware

Compute systems come in a variety of configurations whose components are summarised in Figure 2.1. Broadly speaking, we can say that they vary along three axes:

  1. compute, the processors that perform the operations required to learn and run our machine learning models;
  2. memory to store the data, the models and their outputs as variables and data structures; and the
  3. connections that we use to move the data and the models around.

These dimensions are admittedly somewhat arbitrary, but they are well-suited to discuss the topics we will cover in this book. In this context, choosing the right hardware means choosing a trade-off in terms of compute, memory and connections that allows the machine learning system to achieve the goals it is designed for while fitting the available budget. To quote one of the universal truths from RFC 1925 (Callon 1996):

“(7a) Good, Fast, Cheap: Pick any two (you can’t have all three).”

2.1.1 Compute

The three types of processors we can commonly find in machine learning systems are:

  1. Central processing units (CPUs), usually either an x86-64 processor from AMD or Intel or an ARM processor.

  2. Graphics processing units (GPUs) from NVidia or AMD.

  3. Tensor processing units (TPUs), usually from Google. Other specialised hardware to accelerate machine learning certainly exists (Reuther et al. 2020) but, for practical purposes, fulfils the same role as TPUs.

CPUs, GPUs and TPUs represent different trade-offs in terms of speed, capabilities and versatility. Trading one off for another is unavoidable: the end of the “easy” performance improvements granted by Moore’s law (transistors per chip double each year or two) and by Dennard’s law (power density is constant as transistors get smaller, that is, we get more transistors) mean that we cannot expect general-purpose processors to become faster at the rate we were used to. Transistors cannot get any smaller without breaking the laws of physics. Current and voltage cannot drop any further while keeping transistors dependable, so we cannot easily double transistors per chip anymore. The only way out of this conundrum is domain-specific architectures that use their transistor- and power-budgets to the fullest for specific types of operations (Jouppi et al. 2018). Hence the rise of GPUs and, more recently, TPUs in machine learning applications.

CPUs are the most versatile type of compute: they can perform a wide range of operations by means of the instructions they implement; they can perform multiple operations in parallel to some extent (whether on different cores or on different threads on the same core); and they can efficiently handle any type of data. At the same time, CPUs contain logical units that implement specialised single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) instruction sets such as the Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE1 to SSE4 on x86, Neon on ARM) and the Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX, AVX2, AVX512 on x86, SVM on ARM) to perform numerical computations efficiently and simultaneously on multiple variables.2 The speed-ups that can be obtained by their use can be substantial, ranging from 10–15% to a factor of 10 (see, for instance, Williams-Young and Li 2019; Fortin et al. 2021). The main limitation of SIMD instructions is that they can only operate on the contents of the registers, the smallest and fastest memory inside the CPU. For instance, on x86-64 CPUs each register can hold 2-16 floating point numbers, and there are 16 (SSE, AVX, AVX2) or 32 (AVX512) registers for each core.

Another type of instruction that performs multiple operations in parallel are fused operations such as FMA (“fused add and multiply”), which perform predefined sets of operations on multiple variables and in approximately the same time it would take to perform a single operation. They also have the added benefit of performing just one floating point rounding to precision after the last operation, thus eliminating many rounding issues (more on this in Section 3.1.2).

GPUs specialise in parallel computations over large amounts of data. They are fundamentally different from CPUs: they behave like asynchronous devices in which we load data, we wait for data to be processed and then we collect the results. For practical purposes, modern GPUs can be viewed as multithreaded, multicore vector processors (Volkov and Demmel 2008) designed to operate on one-dimensional arrays of data. The data is internally subdivided into blocks that will be processed by hundreds of independent, identical units.3 Each unit is extremely simple: it is close to a CPU’s SIMD/FMA logical unit in terms of functionality. It has its own set of registers and a local memory cache, but it can only apply a single type of operation at a time and is completely driven by the GPU scheduler. The GPU scheduler takes care of keeping the units busy by assigning them tasks in such a way as to maximise occupancy (the overall load of the GPU) and by keeping them fed with data from the global memory of the GPU.

This level of parallelism makes them potentially much faster than CPUs: a CPU has at most a few tens of cores, whereas a GPU has hundreds of units that are equally capable of using SIMD instructions. This allows the GPU scheduler to handle tasks of unequal sizes and with different latencies, limiting their impact on the efficiency of parallel computations. Furthermore, each GPU unit has more registers4 than a CPU core and can work on a much larger amount of data at extremely low latencies.

On the other hand, the hardware design that makes all of this possible restricts what a GPU can do. Units are optimised to work on 32-bit floating point and integer numbers; modern hardware also supports 16-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers well, but working with other types of variables is difficult. Getting data to the units requires copying them first to the GPU global memory, where they will be stored in one or more memory banks. Different units cannot read different data from the same memory bank at the same time, so we should carefully optimise the layout of the data in memory. Furthermore, data are assumed to be organised into one-dimensional arrays: further structure is disregarded. Support for branching (that is, if-then-else programming constructs) is limited to the GPU scheduler: units have no concept of conditional execution at all. Finally, units are organised in groups of 32 to 64, and the GPU scheduler can only allocate tasks to groups. Any task whose size is not a multiple of the group size will result in under-utilised groups and decrease occupancy.

TPUs are even more specialised: they are expressly built for training and performing inference on deep neural network models with the best possible average and tail performance. The architecture of TPU cores5 rests on five design decisions (Jouppi et al. 2018):

  • including a single, very simple core per processor;
  • concentrating most computing power in a large, two-dimensional matrix-multiply unit;
  • organising memory in a mesh network that allows for asynchronous, lockless communications between cores;
  • implementing hardware support for integers and floats with limited precision, which use less memory;
  • dropping all the features that are not strictly needed for working with deep neural networks.

This single-minded focus on deep learning makes TPUs the best hardware to use for this kind of models, with documented speed-ups on the order of 20-30 times over GPUs in terms of performance per watt (Jouppi et al. 2018). In particular, (Jouppi et al. 2020) reports that TPUs are 50 times faster per watt for inference and 5 to 10 times faster for training. These improvements are largely driven by the fact that TPU cores are much smaller than GPU or CPU cores (38 times less area), so they consume (13 times) less energy and leave a larger share of the available transistors to the matrix-multiply unit. Another important factor is the memory layout, which allows deadlock-free communications between TPU cores at 500Gb per second and removes the need to synchronise them periodically. Intuitively, we can expect these performance improvements to carry over to other types of machine learning models that require similar patterns of mathematical operations, and particularly to those that can be completely formulated in terms of matrix manipulations.

The price we pay for this level of performance is the complete lack of flexibility and versatility of TPUs, which are really good only at multiplying matrices. TPU cores cannot perform any instruction scheduling, do not support multithreading, and in general have none of the sophisticated features we can find in CPUs and GPUs. They are completely driven by the CPU of the compute system they are attached to. To make up for that, code can be compiled with Google’s XLA compiler (Tensorflow 2021) to require no dynamic scheduling and to maximise data- and instruction-level parallelism, combining operations to use SIMD/FMA instructions and to ensure that the matrix-multiplication unit is always busy. XLA has complete visibility into the structure of Tensorflow and PyTorch models and can optimise across operations much better than a traditional compiler or the CPU and GPU schedulers. It is effective to the point that it can achieve sustained 70% peak performance (Jouppi et al. 2020). TPUs are also heavily optimised for a single type of variable, Google’s “brain” floating point format (“bfloat”), and are slower for variables in the industry-standard IEEE 754 floating point format (Overton 2001). (More in Section 3.1.2.) Furthermore, they are designed specifically for 16-bit (“bfloat16”) floating point operations over 32-bit operations. Both formats are empirically good enough for working deep neural networks and are eight times more efficient to operate on than IEEE formats (Jouppi et al. 2020).

2.1.2 Memory

The practical performance of CPUs, GPUs and TPUs is limited by the fact that we need to provide them data to operate on. Each processor can only access the memory it is directly attached to: the registers and the internal cache for CPUs, the on-board global and local memory for GPUs and TPUs (see Figure 2.1). This translates to delivering input data from system RAM to their dedicated memory and copying the outputs they produce back to system RAM for further processing.

Moving data between different memories costs time, as does moving them within each type of memory, although less so. Ideally, we want to have as much data as close as possible to the processor that will work on it. Furthermore, we want that processor to keep working on that data in place for as long as possible to amortise the cost of moving data over a large number of operations. This aspiration is limited by three factors:

  1. the amount of memory available to and directly accessible by each type of processor;
  2. the latency of accessing different types of memory;
  3. and the bandwidth of our connections to different types of memory, which determines how quickly data can be transferred after it is accessed.

In other words, latency is the time spent waiting for the memory copy to start, and the bandwidth is the maximum amount of memory we can copy per second.

A schematic view of the different types of memory, their size and their latency (the time it takes for the CPU to access them). Times are expressed as nanoseconds (1ns = $10^{-9}$s) or microseconds (1μs = $10^{-6}$s).

Figure 2.2: A schematic view of the different types of memory, their size and their latency (the time it takes for the CPU to access them). Times are expressed as nanoseconds (1ns = \(10^{-9}\)s) or microseconds (1μs = \(10^{-6}\)s).

Clearly, each type of processor will be fastest in accessing its dedicated memory because it is physically located next to or inside it. Distance plays a key role in determining the latency of memory accesses: the propagation speed of electrical signals limits how quickly we can reach for that memory. The need to process these signals along the way, for instance, to translate the addresses of memory locations in different formats, may further delay accesses as well. CPU registers, the local memory of GPU units and the local memory of TPUs are directly attached to the respective processors to minimise distance and to make them directly addressable. This reduces latency from microseconds (\(10^{-6}\) seconds) or tens of microseconds (\(10^{-5}\) seconds) to a few hundred or tens of microseconds (\(10^{-9}\) to \(10^{-7}\) seconds). To quote RFC 1925 once more:

“(2) No matter how hard you push and no matter what the priority, you can’t increase the speed of light.”

The latency of accessing particular types of memory is usually inversely proportional to their size and is bound below by the frequency of the processor accessing it. We illustrate this point in Figure 2.2, focusing on the CPU, but our considerations hold for GPUs and TPUs as well. CPU registers and the various CPU caches are the smallest because their size is limited by the physical size of the CPU. For instance, the three levels of cache (L1, L2, L3) on a Sandy Bridge Intel CPU are 32kB (L1), 256kB (L2) and 20MB (L3) in size and can be accessed in 4, 12 and 29 cycles respectively (Williams-Young and Li 2019). In contrast, registers can only store a few hundreds of bytes, but it only takes a single cycle to access them. For practical purposes, we can take a CPU cycle to be the reciprocal of the CPU’s clock frequency. Say that we have a 2GHz CPU: \[\begin{equation*} \text{$1$ cycle} \operatorname{/} (2 \times 10^9 \mbox{Hz}) = 5 \times 10^{-10}\mathrm{s} = 0.5\mathrm{ns}. \end{equation*}\] With this equation we can derive the latencies shown in Figure 2.2: accessing registers takes 0.5ns and accessing the CPU cache takes between 2ns and 14.5ns. It is easy to see that performance degrades quickly if the CPU is forced to wait for several nanoseconds to fetch the data from the CPU cache for every 0.5ns it spends doing computations. The degradation may be less noticeable for instructions that take longer than 1 cycle to complete, such as division, trigonometric and transcendental functions, simply because the time spent on the computations is larger compared to that spent waiting.

Next in the memory hierarchy are different sets of RAM: the system RAM accessible from CPUs, the video RAM on the GPU boards and that in TPU boards. As we can see from Figure 2.2, the latency of accessing RAM can be in the hundreds of nanoseconds, making it slower than CPU caches by a factor of at least 10. The GPU and TPU RAM, called “global memory” in Figure 2.1, can be even slower because GPUs and TPUs are connected to the CPU through a PCI Express bus (PCIe),6 which adds to the latency. However, RAM is much larger than CPU caches, ranging from a few gigabytes (GPU and TPU RAM) to a few terabytes (for system RAM).

The latency of RAM is such that we want to read data from it as few times as possible, and to read as much data as possible each time. For example, consider accessing 10MB of data in RAM to apply a set of 10 FMA instructions.

  • If we transfer the data to the CPU as a single batch, we have to wait 60–100ns in order to access it, and then 5ns performing computations.
  • If we transfer data in 200 50kB batches, we have to wait 12000–10000ns (12-20μs) to spend the same 5ns on computations.

The transfer itself takes the same time since it only depends on the bandwidth of the PCIe connection between the CPU and the RAM: 10MB take 216μs at 64GB/s. However, in the first case the latency introduced by the memory transfer is negligible, while in the second case it increases the overall time by about 20%. This is why both GPUs and TPUs are initialised by copying all the data from system RAM in a single batch, making the memory transfer (often called “kernel launch”) a fixed overhead cost that will be amortised over the whole computation.

At the bottom of the memory hierarchy we have hot and cold storage. Hot storage is meant to contain data that we need to access often and right away, and will comprise hard drives (mostly solid-state drives) that are locally attached to the compute system. Cold storage is for data that we access less frequently and that do not require fast access times. It comprises a combination of tape, slower hard drives and network-attached storage. Hot storage usually has a size of several tens of terabytes, with less redundancy; cold storage can potentially scale to the petabytes, and often has more redundancy because it contains data that should be preserved in the long term. Hot storage is local, so it is limited by the latency and the bandwidth of PCIe; cold storage may be remote, so it is limited by network latencies and bandwidth. The storage medium is rarely a limiting factor: it almost always has more bandwidth than the connection we use to access it, which becomes the bottleneck.

2.1.3 Connections

The last, crucial part of a compute system is the connections that allow the data to move between different processors and types of memory. The performance of memory is necessarily limited by how it is connected to various processors. Memory directly connected to a particular processor (CPU caches and registers, the memory built in GPU and TPU boards) is always the fastest to access for that particular processor because it works at its full native speed. This means that latency is minimised and that bandwidth is maximised. For example, TPU memory has a throughput of 500Gb/s (Jouppi et al. 2020) and GPU memory has a throughput of 500-1000Gb/s (Nvidia Quadro cards (Mujtaba 2018)). The latency is negligible for both.

However, GPUs cannot access the system RAM directly; nor can CPUs access the memory on the GPU boards. This means that any data that is transferred to a GPU for processing must be copied from the system RAM to the on-board memory. Speed is then limited by the bandwidth of the PCIe bus that connects the GPU to the system and latency increases to the levels shown in Figure 2.2. The same is true for TPUs.

This is the reason why data locality, keeping the data “close” to the processor that will work on it, matters: direct connections have the best possible latency and bandwidth, while indirect ones are limited by the PCIe bus. Furthermore, transferring data between different types of memory typically involves copying it to system RAM as an intermediate step, which degrades performance even further.

Hot and cold storage are different from other types of memory in several respects. Firstly, they do not have any compute capabilities and therefore we cannot avoid transferring the data they contain to system RAM to work on it. Secondly, neither type of storage will necessarily saturate its connection to the system RAM: the connection does not introduce any bottleneck in itself. Hot storage is typically connected to the compute system via PCIe, but its sustained read-write speed (8GB/s for SATA 3 to 4GB/s for NVMe) is comfortably smaller than PCIe. Cold storage is even slower, or is only available through a network connection such as 100Gb/s Ethernet.

2.2 Making Hardware Live Up to Expectations

All these hardware types have powerful capabilities, each in their own way, but in order to use them effectively we need either compilers that can leverage them (if we can compile software from source) or libraries that have been built to do so (if we cannot). This means using compilers that understand the memory layout of the system and what specialised hardware instructions are available, or software built on optimised libraries like CUDA (Nvidia 2021) (for NVidia GPUs) or Intel’s Math Kernel Library (MKL) (Intel 2021) (for CPUs). Some popular machine learning frameworks and libraries such as PyTorch (Paszke et al. 2019) go even further and abstract all hardware-specific optimisations away, adapting automatically to the characteristics of the hardware they run on.

The key to getting the best possible performance out of modern compute systems is to recognise that they have many processors (specialised or otherwise) and that we want to keep all those processors busy as much as possible. In other words, we need parallelism:

  • At the instruction level, we want software to use hardware instructions that can be executed simultaneously.
  • At the data level, we want tasks with modular inputs and outputs so that we can operate on each of their elements independently, without having to wait for other operations to complete.
  • At the thread level, we want different parts of our machine learning software to depend on each other’s outputs as little as possible so that we can run them in separate threads or processes across different cores, processors or even systems.

To what extent thread-level parallelism is possible depends on what algorithms we are using and on how they are implemented (see Section 4.6). The same is true for data-level parallelism: whether data points and random variables can be considered to be independent, whether parameters can be estimated independently, and whether predictions can be computed independently depends on what machine learning model we are using and on how we learned it. Instruction-level parallelism, on the other hand, depends crucially on the software using the appropriate hardware instructions (SIMD and FMA in CPUs and GPUs, matrix-multiplication units in TPUs). This is true for data-level parallelism as well because being able to operate on multiple data points simultaneously is useless if the software does not tell various processors to do that.

Taking advantage of parallelism requires us to feed data to all the processors involved in the computations so that they have something to operate on. How we do that determines the operational intensity of the software: the number of operations per byte of RAM accessed during execution. Data locality is then key to improving that: loading data has a much higher latency than operating on data that are already in the local memory of the processor, so the processor will end up sitting idle while waiting for the data to arrive. This is bound to happen every time we load data from a different level in the hierarchy in Figure 2.2, as we discussed in Section 2.1.3. It is also bound to happen, to some extent, as we get close to running processors at full capacity. For instance, the CPU will often sit idle while waiting to receive results from GPUs and TPUs. And the closer we get to full occupancy, the less room we have for optimising load across and within processors. By the law of diminishing returns, we eventually end up decreasing their overall performance as the gains from increasing occupancy are outweighed by the overhead of managing different threads and processes contending for resources.

In other words, increasing operational intensity means reducing the number of memory accesses. Performing data transformations in place is a way to do that: it reduces the number and the volume of high-latency data transfers to and from RAM while maximising the usage of faster local memory. In doing so, we prevent the processors from stalling while waiting for data (they are “starving”) and we allow them to operate continuously (we “keep them fed” with data). The price is that memory use is likely to increase because we need to rearrange the data in memory and possibly to keep multiple copies around. Depending on the algorithm, it is sometimes possible to get most of the intensity without sacrificing space complexity, as in (Fortin et al. 2021).

When we are eventually forced to read from RAM, large RAM reads are better than many small RAM reads: we should lay out data continuously in RAM to allow for that. If we do not do that, most algorithms will become memory-bound. (More on that in Chapter 3.) Limiting memory usage in the first place will also help in this respect. Hence the interest in numeric formats with smaller precisions such as 16-bit floating point numbers and integers (Jouppi et al. 2018, 2020); and in reducing the number of parameters of machine learning models by compressing them or by making the models sparser (Hazelwood et al. 2018).

2.3 Local and Remote Hardware

The discussion of the key aspects of compute systems in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 implicitly assumes that all hardware is part of a single system. That is unlikely to be the case: machine learning systems typically comprise different systems with specific purposes because different tasks run best on different hardware, and it is expensive to maximise memory, storage and compute in a single system all at the same time. Having different systems makes it possible to specialise them and to make them perform better while reducing costs. We can think of them as remote storage and remote compute, as they are labelled in Figure 2.1, connected by either a local or a geographical network.

Remote systems that are in the same local network are typically connected by a high-speed Ethernet connection. 50Gb Ethernet is good enough even at the scale of Facebook operations (Hazelwood et al. 2018), so throughput is not a limiting factor for smaller machine learning systems. Latencies are more of a problem: the networking equipment that routes the traffic in the network is likely to introduce several microseconds of delay in establishing a new connection.

For remote systems that are in a different geographical location, both latency and bandwidth are limiting factors. A prime example is cloud instances, virtual servers that we can quickly create (“provision”) or destroy (“decommission”) and that run on hardware that we own (a private cloud) or that we rent from a public cloud provider such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Computing Services (GCP). Latency arises from the physical time it takes for signals to go through several layers of networking equipment to reach a system that is possibly in a different country. For instance, if we are located on the west coast of the United States the latency of a connection to the east coast is 40ms, to the United Kingdom is 81ms, and to Australia is 183ms (Gregg 2021). If the remote system is activated on demand, we must also wait for it to boot before we can start processing any data: this can take between 1s and 40s depending on the type of virtualisation underlying the instances (Sections 7.1.3 and 7.1.4). Compared to the latencies in Figure 2.2, accessing data on a remote system is therefore 3-6 orders of magnitude slower than the storage of a local system. This is the case, for instance, for AWS spot instances: while they are cheaper to run, they must be booted up every time they are used and they may be shut down without warning.

On the one hand, we want to preserve locality as much as possible: colocating the data and all the compute systems that will work on it to avoid large, repeated data transfers across different locations. Designing the topology of the local network connecting different systems can minimise the impact of data transfers within the network and can make it feasible to spread the load of training complex models across different systems (Hazelwood et al. 2018). This approach is known as distributed or federated learning (Li et al. 2021): as an example, see the research done at DeepMind for distributed deep reinforcement learning (Espeholt et al. 2018) and Google’s systems architecture for federated learning from mobile devices (Bonawitz et al. 2019). The latter is an instance of edge computing (Khan et al. 2019), which addresses data privacy, security, and latency constraints by pushing data processing to low-power devices closer to where the data originates (Section 5.3.1).

On the other hand, it is desirable to keep geographical spread for the purpose of disaster recovery. Keeping multiple copies of the data and of the models in different locations makes it unlikely that a hardware failure will result in the loss of crucial resources: a time-honoured strategy to achieve that is the “3-2-1 backup rule” (3 copies of your data, your production data and 2 backup copies, on 2 different types of storage with 1 copy off-site). It also helps with locality, but requires some care in synchronising the data and the models at different locations to ensure that the correct version is used everywhere.

2.4 Choosing the Right Hardware for the Job

No single compute system(s) configuration is best overall: practical performance is the result of complex interactions between the type(s) of algorithms, the models and the type(s) of hardware. Engineering the best possible performance should then begin by defining what the objectives of the machine learning system are (Section 5.3.1) and then choosing the software and the hardware required to achieve them. A comprehensive discussion on this topic can be found in (Gregg 2021), which explores all the different aspects of hardware, operating systems, protocols, benchmarking and profiling. In what follows, we will focus on the interactions between the machine learning models, the software stack that underlies them and the hardware. Numeric libraries such as BLAS (Blackford et al. 2002), LAPACK (Anderson et al. 1999) and GSL (Galassi et al. 2021), frameworks like TensorFlow (TensorFlow 2021a) and PyTorch, and low-level libraries such as XLA and CUDA essentially act as compilers for the models and translate them into the best available set of hardware instructions for the most suitable processor(s).

Some tasks are better suited to particular types of hardware. Consider, for instance, deep neural networks. There are important computational differences between training and inference: the latter is less parallelisable, has higher memory requirements, and requires wider data to keep enough precision and avoid catastrophic errors in the final model (Jouppi et al. 2020). Hence training is best performed on compute systems generously equipped by GPUs and TPUs, while inference performs well even on CPUs (Hazelwood et al. 2018). After all, GPUs and TPUs are not magic “go fast” devices! They only benefit certain classes of problems that are embarrassingly parallel and mostly consist of vector (GPU) or matrix (TPU) operations. How many of each should we buy? That depends on the relative scale and frequency with which we perform each task. Typically, model training is performed every few days, while inference runs in real-time, possibly millions of times per day. For instance, 90% of the overall compute cost at Amazon is inference (Amazon Web Services 2022c): at that scale, using GPUs becomes a necessity again. But since GPUs are poorly suited for inference, an ad hoc software scheduler (Jain et al. 2018) is required to use them efficiently and with consistent, predictable performance. At smaller scales, compute systems with many CPU cores will be sufficient and simpler to set up.

Specific machine learning models may be feasible to use only on some types of hardware. Models that make heavy use of matrix operations naturally perform better on GPUs and TPUs but they are limited in size by the amount of on-board memory that the GPUs and TPUs can access. The whole model must fit and, at the same time, there must be enough memory left to store the data the model will operate on. Furthermore, we want to operate on data in batches as large as possible to increase occupancy: performance may be disappointing if we are forced to process data in small batches because the model uses up most of the on-board memory. This problem is not mitigated by putting multiple GPUs or TPUs in the same compute system because models are not shared between them. If memory requirements are beyond the capabilities of GPUs and TPUs, we are limited to running models on CPUs and system RAM, which has a much larger capacity but is slower. CPUs, however, may perform better for models or tasks that are not very parallelisable because different cores can perform completely different operations.

Finally, a note from our future selves: we should plan for more hardware than we strictly need right now to accommodate what are likely to be growing compute, memory and storage needs (capacity planning). Compute requirements for training machine learning models grew by a factor of 10 between 2012 and 2018 (Jouppi et al. 2020). In addition, automated model selection techniques (also known as “hyperparameter tuning” for some types of models) such as AutoML (He, Zhao, and Chu 2021) are becoming increasingly common and use, on average, 50 times more compute power than what is needed to learn the type of model they select. The amount of data (Katal, Wazid, and Goudar 2013) and the size of models (Zellers et al. 2019; Cohen, Pavlick, and Tellex 2019) are likewise constantly growing over time, requiring more hot storage and more memory (of all types) to store and use them (Beam, Manrai, and Ghassemi 2020).

Cloud computing may reduce the need for capacity planning: if instances are relatively inexpensive and if they can be quickly created and destroyed, we may buy less hardware up-front and scale it as needed. In fact, dynamic scaling algorithms can do that automatically in most cloud services. Furthermore, all major cloud providers offer instances with GPUs and, in the case of Google, TPUs for use in applications that require them. However, cloud computing is not a universal solution to capacity planning. Firstly, the cloud instances we rent from public cloud providers are billed based on how long they are in use and on how much/how quickly they allow us to scale in response to sudden changes in our needs. Therefore, it may be cheaper to buy the hardware outright if we foresee using them often enough or for long enough periods of time and if we have predictable workloads and network traffic patterns. Secondly, cloud computing can only give us horizontal scalability (increasing the number of systems we can use) and is ill-suited to achieve vertical scalability (increasing the computing power in individual systems). Horizontal scalability may not improve the performance of machine learning models that are not modular or parallelisable to at least some extent, and may not help at all if we need to work with large blocks of data that must be kept in memory. Thirdly, cloud instances are more difficult to profile and trace, making it more difficult to understand their behaviour (the observability of the system is limited) and to diagnose any issue they may have. (More on this in Section 5.3.6.)


Amazon Web Services. 2022c. AWS Trainium.

Anderson, E., Z. Bai, C. Bishof, S. Blackford, J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, J. Du Croz, et al. 1999. LAPACK Users’ Guide. 3rd ed. SIAM.

Beam, A. L., A. K. Manrai, and M. Ghassemi. 2020. “Challenges to the Reproducibility of Machine Learning Models in Health Care.” Journal of the American Medical Association 323 (4): 305–6.

Blackford, L. S., J. Demmel, J. Dongarra, I. Duff, S. Hammarling, G. Henry,. Heroux, et al. 2002. “An Updated Set of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS).” ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 28 (2): 135–51.

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  1. For the moment, we will use “data” and “variables” interchangeably. How data are actually represented in different types of variables will be the topic of Chapter 3.↩︎

  2. Naming conventions vary by vendor. In Nvidia GPUs, they are called “streaming units” organised in “streaming multiprocessors”; in AMD GPUs they are called “compute units” and “workgroup processors”; in Intel GPUs “execution units” and “execution cores”.↩︎

  3. For instance, each unit in an Nvidia RTX 2060 has 256kB of registers (Nvidia 2018), while a CPU only has 32 \(\times\) 16 = 512 bytes worth of AVX512 registers for each core (hence the name of the instruction set).↩︎

  4. In describing TPUs, we follow Google’s naming conventions because, at the time of this writing, that is the only TPU in wide use in machine learning.↩︎

  5. PCIe is in use in both x86-64 and ARM systems, and comes in several revisions and speeds. At the time of this writing, the current one is PCIe 4.0 which uses up to 16 channels in parallel to transfer up to 64GB/s.↩︎